Thursday, June 14, 2012

Little White Salmon Race, Metlako Falls!!!

Its been pretty hard to keep the frequent updates going as we are on the road and have had very little Internet time.I have been having an amazing time left Cali a few weeks back and headed to Hood River Oregon for the Little White Salmon Race.This was my second year in a row competing in this sick race.I teamed up with good kiwi mate Dylan Thompson.We didn't have the smoothest lines and ended up finishing in 14th place not the best ha, had Heap's of fun though!!!

A few days after the race we heard word that Metlako falls was in. We gathered a big crew together and made our way to the stout.This is the 3rd time I have fired this big dog stout up was stoked to get back there and fire it up. Here's a few pictures, enjoy!!!

Bradley Lauder showing good form!!!

Dylan big dog Thomson steezing the shit!!!!

Getting my monkey arm's on

Benny Marr running Punch Bowl falls, this stout is just above Metlako a nice little warm up before the big boy
 Jakub styling it

Stompin it, BROWN!!!!!

Myself and Dylan race day little white Salmon -Photo Reid Morth

Well stand by for a North Fork of the Payette Race update,had an amazing week there racing partying and having a good time with all the boys!!!

 I am currently in Canada now,been paddling Heep's,be nice if it was a little warmer ha, cant complain, life's good when ya stoutin!!!!


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