Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beautiful British Columbia

Well the mission is gradually coming to an end now and though I should post some pics of the amazing 3 weeks I had in BC Canada.

I would have to say that I have had the best 4 months of my life on this mission. Just paddling sick stuff all the time with a sick crew always keen to firer it up.

I would like to say a huge thanks to a few people who help me out along the way- Evan Garcia this trip wouldnt of been the same if ya didnt let me kick it with you thanks for putting up with my shit, you the man bro,also Fred Norquist and the Bomb Flow boys,Rush Sturgers-for hoking me up with a cheap boat last minute before we put on royal gorge and giving me some sweet hoke ups along the way. Also the Wells, Garcia's family for letting me crash out at there nice ass houses!!!Cheers I appreciate all of the support!!!!

Here's a bunch of mixed up pics from my 3 weeks in BC enjoy!!!

Myself on Pingston creek, dropping this rowdy sliding 50+footer,STOUT!!

EG dropping 20footer sutherland!!!

DJ dropping the 60footer Sutherland Falls!!

Myself dropping the 60!!!

Myself on Fosthall Creek,dropping a sliding 15footer

Myself Running twin falls Fosthall Creek,Evan summed it up well on a facebook update-(25 foot jimmy rigged rope ladder,seal launch into a pot hole,hard ferry,eddy catch, tight 90 degree turn 60-70 foot free fall).This thing was scarry as hell,one of the high lights of my trip for sure!!!

Dropping a nice 20footer Fosthall Creek!!

Tripple drop high water Rogers Creek!!
Skookum River 6ofter

Ashulu-box 50/50 falls
40fter on Tatlow Creek. Such an Epic Creek,one of my favourites for sure!!!!

Well only a few more weeks now and I will be back in NZ,catch all you homies soon!!!!

All pictures were taken by Mathias Eibre Fossum/Mr Norway cheers bro!!!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bomb Flow TV Episode #2 "Pacific Northwest"

Well once again I have been really slack at updating the blog.When I find sometime and all the pictures of our amazing cali trip,I will then try post one big update of all the amazing rivers we got to paddle there!!!-(Dinky Creek,Fantasy Falls,Upper Cherry-Gracelands slide)

The boys have been killing it with there Bomb Flow Edit,Episode #2 Pacific Northwest just drop a few days and I thought I would post it up on the blog as I feature in it and its so epic,enjoy!!!!

Well we are heading to BC canada for a shit running stout mission in the next few days,I will try keep you updated with the BC stoutness!!! PEACE

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Royal Flush

Well I have been really slack at up dating the blog and I am long Behind in updates.Well I have made it back to cali and the shits going of here.I was lucky enough to get thing started well, by putting on The North Forth of the American River-Royal Gorge, with a very stout crew of 12.I was feeling fired up and ready to stout!!!!!!!

Fred Norquist dropping heath 2.Having a sick line.11 of us ran this stout,with a very of lines.I had a pretty good line of this stout,but my decked poped what was a bummer,EG was down there and throw me a bag and all was good.I dont have any pics of myself running heath 1 entry or heath 1 falls.I had all pretty sweet lines, through out the hole Heath Spring Gorge.

Mr Ben brown dropping heath 2

Myself running the gorge above Rattle Snake Falls.Getting a good tail stall!!

Fred Norquist Droping Rattle Snake Falls.We camped above this stout,I Ran the stout that avo,had a good line tossed the paddle.The next moring a few of the boy ran it,Rush and I decided to gainer the rattler at the same time as the boys paddle off it,made out for quiet a sick shot!!

Myself dropping the crux of the Royal Gorge Scouts drops.This thing massive and scary as hell.Rush fired it first,followed by Evan then skippy.Then I was up I was pretty nervous but fired up to run the biggest stout of my life!!!!.I pluged the top drop having a soft hit,roled up quick and booked it right,I was in the right place I wanted to be and air out of the bottom drop,stomped that shit!!!

mid way down scout on line and ready to fly of the bottom drop!!!!!!

Flying of the bottom drop of scouts.I was so stoked to stomp this drop,its been on my mind for a long time!!!!!

The seiler bro's doing what they do!!!!!! BROWN

Myself running the last big stout of royal gorge,Wabena falls 70footer.10 of fired this stout up.It was on the low side but we were all fired up to run this thing.I took a massive hit,went over the bars,deck poped and all,was feeling real dizzy for awhile but all was good,I was stoked. The royal flush was complete!!!!!!.Well stand by for some more up dates,coming at you soon!!!!!

I would like to thank Rush Sturges for sorting me a boat as my mystic broke a few days before we put on,chur bro!!

All photos take by Robby Hogg

Friday, June 24, 2011

Big Timber Creek

Well I have made it to the state of Montana Bozeman.I have been here for awhile now and have been lucky enough to be abel to get on big timber creek. Here are a few pics of our first run down Big T
Myself in the middle of fine line

Nate Garcia having a nice boof at the top of fine line

Evan dropping into Big Timber Falls,this is the biggest stout on Big T,You drop into this slot thing on river right then make your way down a fast slide then bomb of a nice 30footer
to finish

Myself Running the stout drop of big T Falls

Eric all steezed out on Big T falls hitting the right line of the falls, STOUTNESS

Well we are still kicking it here in Montana,we will be making our way to Cali soon so stand by for some more stoutness shit running

Thursday, June 23, 2011

RIP Simon Davidson

Well yesterday I heard that my good friend simon davidson had died kayaking in canada,I am devastated cant really believe it.He is such a kick ass dued I loved hanging around him,always had a positive attitude towards everything. I stoked that I got to no you bro,we had many sick time boating running the shit, just hanging, getting loss bending, you allways killed it at the partys to bro.

If everyone had an attitude like you bro the world would be a better place, you were allways stoked on it bro

Allways smiling,always happy,always stoked

Simon killing it on his local run Huka Falls in Taupo

Well you will always be in my heart bro I will never forget you bro,will firer somthing big for you bro,Love you simon rest in peace bro

Friday, June 17, 2011

Race Horse Falls

Well well well I thought I should put an update of myself and Evan's 2nd and 3rd decents of Race Horse Falls. So we left hood river Oregon and headed to Belingham washington, where we met up with Fred Norquiest and Rhys Logan local photographer dude who kills it with the camera!!!!!!!!!

We arivied at the stout after about an hour drive out of Belingham, we all had a good scout of this beast of a stout. It consisted of a nice 20ft entry drop into a 25ft slide and then a 60ft drop slide thing what was so so so stout. Evan and I decided to sack up and run this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Myself having a good line on the first 20ft drop

Evan on the 20ft

Evan on the middle 25ft slide

Myself on the middle slide

A beast of a stout, this thing is a crazy ass drop. Eric Boomer First D'ed this stout back in 2009. Evan had a sick line, he got caught side ways about half way down but stay up right and road that shit out with EG steeze.

Myself giving her. This drop ain't an eassy one and has a tricky lead in where you have to duck under a cave thing at the lip. The key was to get as hard left as possable duck a under cut ledge thing then bomb straight off this crazy as drop slide stout of a thing, scary shit!!!!!!!!!

About to crash the hardest I have ever crashed. I needed to be about a foot more to the left such a fine line. I ened boucing/kick fliping over the rocks, hiting my head a little then landing almost upright in the pool. My paddle got blown out of my hands and half my deck poped of and I ened up swimming in the pool. I some how didnt hurt my self at all. So stoked that I was in one piece, so lucky

Fred,Evan,Myself and Sam ready for some beer drinking

Beer botty time. Well this would have to be one of the crazyest thing I have ever run, so stoked that i didnt hurt my self at all. Stay tunned for some Bomb Flow edits of this stout

All of theses amazing pictures were take by Rhys Logan one tellinted photographer check out his website Rhys Photography.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Metlako Falls

Well here are a few pics of me and Evan firing up metlako falls.We had a nice flows for this stout and decided to give her. Sam Freihofer also joined us and ended up frowing a brown claw of the stout.We all had good lines and nice soft hits stoked.

Evan steezed out and about to toss the paddle. This was evans 7th run of metlako

Myself tucked up and ready for impact.As u can my paddle is way above my head,looks quiet cool!!!!

Well this was my second time of this big ass 82ft drop and was stoked on it. Stand by for some more huckin!!!!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Upper Lewis

Well on sunday the day after the little white race ,a crew of us headed to the upper lewis stoutness.The level was on the high side,but it was still looked all good to go.We all geared and made our way down to the stout. This one ant a eassy one, its raver hard to line up as the river is so wide.I watched Evan and Todd firer it first, both having sick lines.Fred myself eric and sam all headed back up stream ready to firer it up.I was raver nervous but keen to give her.We all ended stomped the shit out of it so stoked.

Heres a shot of myself firing it up.Stay updated for some more huckin coming soon

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little White Salmon race!!!

So on saturday there was a sick teams race down the little white salmon river.There were 27 competitors racing in 13 different teams of 2 or more.The first heat was through gettin busy-the longest rapid on the little white.The second heat started from wood choked island drop to the bottom of wishbone.The team with the fastest combined times wins.I teamed up with local ripper Todd Wells.I stuck right behing him for most of the way as I didnt realy no the lines to well.We both had to good heats and ened up finishing in second place over all and winning $5o each so stoked.

Well I am still hanging around Hood River Oregon and we have been stouting hard!!

so stay updated for some sick postest!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heres a shot of me stomping spirit falls

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summit Creek

Well today we got on summit creek.Its is so sick in there.One of the sickest drops I have ever seen and paddle!!!

Heres a shot of my self firing the big one, I stuck the line and flew out at the bottom. Photo taken by Evan Garcia

South Branch of the Feather

Well eveything is pretty high in cali at the moment, but still we managed to get on south branch of the feather with a sick water level.I was stoked to get on this run before leaving for hood river Oregon. Stoked on it, lifes good when you are stouting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toni lining up one of the many drops the south branch offers

Pete boofing the shit out of a skate bord style ramp drop thing,what was so amazing one of the sicker drops on the soth branch

Myself stomping it

I decided to firer up 99 problems.I ended up having the biggest hit I have ever had of a drop.Hit the reconecor pretty vertical and got the shit wip lashed out of me.I rolled up quick and all was good happy days, stoked I didnt knock my self out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pete running the cleanest 50footer ever,this drop is so nice.Toni myself and pete as you can see fired it.

Well I have made it to hood river now,so stoked to be here ran the little white and the green trust yesterday and 2day we fired up summit creek.Stay updated for some more stoutness

Lower Clavey Day 2

Well we camped out at the take out bridge of the upper Clavey.Sleept in a bit and put on around 9.00am.It was a long day and really stout, but so good.One of the more full on days boating I have had.Heeps on big as holes and all Stoutness!!!!!!!!!!!

Daan getting a good tail stall,on one of the many stout sticky holes

Myself lining up a tripple drop thing.boof a small hole up top into a medium hole in middle then a huge termimal weir to finish.I managed to stick the line,was stoked

Toni running one of the last drops of the lower Clavey

Stay updated for some more post soon, boom!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Upper Clavey Day 1

Well I have had a sick start to my US mission.My self Pete Daan Toni and Jess got on the Clavey river.

Toni firing the first big rapid of the upper Clavey and about to eat shit.This thing was stout and rowdy

I was feeling fired up and decided to run this amazing skate board ramp kicky thing.I styled the move and flew off it

Daan lining up one of the many drops

well I was so stoked on this run,good way to start the mission boom!!!!!