Monday, July 25, 2011

The Royal Flush

Well I have been really slack at up dating the blog and I am long Behind in updates.Well I have made it back to cali and the shits going of here.I was lucky enough to get thing started well, by putting on The North Forth of the American River-Royal Gorge, with a very stout crew of 12.I was feeling fired up and ready to stout!!!!!!!

Fred Norquist dropping heath 2.Having a sick line.11 of us ran this stout,with a very of lines.I had a pretty good line of this stout,but my decked poped what was a bummer,EG was down there and throw me a bag and all was good.I dont have any pics of myself running heath 1 entry or heath 1 falls.I had all pretty sweet lines, through out the hole Heath Spring Gorge.

Mr Ben brown dropping heath 2

Myself running the gorge above Rattle Snake Falls.Getting a good tail stall!!

Fred Norquist Droping Rattle Snake Falls.We camped above this stout,I Ran the stout that avo,had a good line tossed the paddle.The next moring a few of the boy ran it,Rush and I decided to gainer the rattler at the same time as the boys paddle off it,made out for quiet a sick shot!!

Myself dropping the crux of the Royal Gorge Scouts drops.This thing massive and scary as hell.Rush fired it first,followed by Evan then skippy.Then I was up I was pretty nervous but fired up to run the biggest stout of my life!!!!.I pluged the top drop having a soft hit,roled up quick and booked it right,I was in the right place I wanted to be and air out of the bottom drop,stomped that shit!!!

mid way down scout on line and ready to fly of the bottom drop!!!!!!

Flying of the bottom drop of scouts.I was so stoked to stomp this drop,its been on my mind for a long time!!!!!

The seiler bro's doing what they do!!!!!! BROWN

Myself running the last big stout of royal gorge,Wabena falls 70footer.10 of fired this stout up.It was on the low side but we were all fired up to run this thing.I took a massive hit,went over the bars,deck poped and all,was feeling real dizzy for awhile but all was good,I was stoked. The royal flush was complete!!!!!!.Well stand by for some more up dates,coming at you soon!!!!!

I would like to thank Rush Sturges for sorting me a boat as my mystic broke a few days before we put on,chur bro!!

All photos take by Robby Hogg